What to Know About a Living Will in NSW
Everyone should consider creating a living will, even if they don't have any property, money, or valuables. It can help your family and friends understand what you want, which should be done in the event of incapacity while you are alive, as well as save them money, time, and conflicts. Moreover, everyone is free to choose their own medical treatments, as well as other health-related decisions. These documents take the form of power Of Attorney or an enduring guardian and can be as comprehensive or as narrow as required. So, you should hire a wills and estates lawyer and create a living will in addition to your final will in case the unimaginable occurs and you cannot make those decisions for yourself. What is a living will? All Australian states recognise certain estate-planning documents known as health directions, advance directives, or other similar terms. These are generally referred to as living Wills. A living will specify a person's lifestyle decision, such as the type ...